Answer Key Reading 3 – L 1

Question number 1:


d= 1. take your book out

j= 2. clean the board

h= 3. do you homework

e= 4. bring your supplies

b= 5. dont cheat

i= 6. write on the board

c= 7. work in pairs

a= 8. answer the qustion

g= 9. help each orther

f= 10. don’t talk



Question number 2:







Question number 3:


1. Write on the board.

2. Open your book.

3. Don’t be late.

4. Clean the board.

5. Do your homework.



Question number 4:


1. Raise your hand.

2. Help each other.

3. Bring your supplies.

4. Listen to the teacher.

5. Close your book.



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درباره ما

دوره مکالمه آنلاین فرمول 1 توسط تیم دکتر زبان طراحی شده و هرگونه کپی برداری از این دوره پیگرد قانونی دارد!

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