Phrasal Verbs – Lesson 1
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خلاصه آزمون
0 از 10 سوالات تکمیل شده است.
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Lesson 1
Phrasal Verbs for Romantic Relationships
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- پاسخ داد:
- مرور
- سوال 1 از 10
1. سوال
10 امتیاز1. I ___________ my last girlfriend because she wanted kids and I didn’t.
- سوال 2 از 10
2. سوال
10 امتیاز2. My best friend really ____________ my cousin – after I introduced them, they spent hours and hours talking.
- سوال 3 از 10
3. سوال
10 امتیاز3. My husband and I always __________ pretty fast after an argument – we don’t stay angry at each other for very long.
- سوال 4 از 10
4. سوال
10 امتیاز4. I think I’m ____________ my co-worker – what should I do? Should I tell him how I feel, or just keep quiet?
- سوال 5 از 10
5. سوال
10 امتیاز5. My girlfriend is constantly late – it’s annoying, but I love her so I _______________ it.
- سوال 6 از 10
6. سوال
10 امتیاز6. Vanessa was furious when she found out that her husband had been ______________ her with her sister.
- سوال 7 از 10
7. سوال
10 امتیاز7. Barbara and I __________ a few times, but it never really went anywhere – we’re just not very compatible.
- سوال 8 از 10
8. سوال
10 امتیاز8. I was very uncomfortable when my friend’s father started _________________. He’s 30 years older than me – and married.
- سوال 9 از 10
9. سوال
10 امتیاز9. Samuel likes to brag about how many women he’s _____________ .
- سوال 10 از 10
10. سوال
10 امتیاز10. I’ve been traveling around the world for the past few years, but I’m starting to think about ____________ in one place.