آقای مهندس آصفی

زبان آموز شرکت کننده در دوره مکالمه آنلاین فرمول 1
داستان موفقیت جناب آقای آصفی عزیزم
Hello everybody. Let me introduce myself. My name is Asefi. Just last week I passed level 2 formula one online English learning courses from dr zaban’s site. This course is very efficient and perfect English language courses that I have ever taught and passed. First of all, let me thank you the teacher and more than teacher, my trainer Mr. Akbari for giving me this opportunity to improve my skills in English conversations, speaking, reading, writing and listening as well as native English spokes men.
Let me tell the truth, I have studied a lot of English courses in several well-known English learning centers for last couple of ten years. Actually recently I could speak with persons in meeting visits and business trips and I could realize what they said. But I didn’t satisfy, because during these conversations I had to translate what they say in English to Farsi in my mind and then can realize what they said and vice versa.
When I wanted to say something, I said it to my mind in Farsi and then translated it to English and said it. It was very awful for me. I would like to have easy conversation just like a native and only this method of dr zaban was in the way of learn English language as a native child. I was taught and actually trained for speaking English as a native.
As a conclusion, I strongly recommend you to register in this useful English course formula one, online English course from site of dr zaban.