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خلاصه آزمون
0 از 10 سوالات تکمیل شده است.
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- پاسخ داد:
- مرور
- سوال 1 از 10
1. سوال
Listen to the audio and answer the questions.
1. What does the man order?
- سوال 2 از 10
2. سوال
2. What does he eat with his meal?
- سوال 3 از 10
3. سوال
3. What does he have to drink?
- سوال 4 از 10
4. سوال
4. What kind of dressing does he ask for?
- سوال 5 از 10
5. سوال
5. Why is the restaurant not serving pies today?
- سوال 6 از 10
6. سوال
6. To prepare breakfast means to … .
- سوال 7 از 10
7. سوال
7. July is giving them quizzes on Britain and allow them to surf the net.
“Surf the net” means …………. . - سوال 8 از 10
8. سوال
8. My daughter ……………… studying English at Istanbul University.
- سوال 9 از 10
9. سوال
9. What _____ John ___________ at the moment?
- سوال 10 از 10
10. سوال
10. Don’t disturb him. He __________.