A Greedy Farmer
!A Greedy Farmer
کشاورز حریص!
Once there was a farmer who lived in a small village.
روزی یه کشاورز بود که تو یه روستای کوچیک زندگی میکرد.
He didn’t have much money and was jealous of his neighbors who were richer.
پول زیادی نداشت و به همسایههایی که از خودش پولدارتر بودن حسودی میکرد.
He often thought about how unfair it was that they had more than him.
همیشه با خودش فکر میکرد که چقدر ناعادلانست که اونا بیشتر از اون دارن.
One day as he was coming back from his fields tired and worried, he met an old man on the road.
یه روز وقتی خسته و نگران داشت از زمینش برمیگشت، تو راه با یه پیرمرد برخورد کرد.
The old man could see that the farmer was upset and asked him what was wrong.
پیرمرد دید که کشاورز ناراحته و ازش پرسید چی شده.
The farmer said, “I work hard in my fields every day, but it’s tough without a bull to help me. If only I had one, I could do so much more.”
کشاورز گفت: “من هر روز تو زمینام خیلی زحمت میکشم، ولی بدون یه گاو که کمکم کنه، خیلی سخته. اگه یه گاو داشتم، میتونستم خیلی بیشتر کار کنم.”
The old man happened to have a bull with him and decided to give it to the farmer.
اتفاقاً پیرمرد یه گاو همراهش داشت و تصمیم گرفت که اونو به کشاورز بده.
He said, “Here, this bull is now yours. But when you get home, please tell your neighbor to come and see me.”
گفت: “بیا، این گاو دیگه مال تو. ولی وقتی رسیدی خونه، به همسایت بگو بیاد منو ببینه.”
The farmer was confused but happy. He asked, “Why do you want to see my neighbor?”
کشاورز هم گیج شد و هم خوشحال. پرسید: “چرا میخوای همسایهم رو ببینی؟”
The old man answered, “Because I want to give him two bulls.”
پیرمرد جواب داد: “چون میخوام بهش دوتا گاو بدم.”
The farmer suddenly felt angry and jealous. He thought it wasn’t fair that his neighbor would get two bulls when he only got one.
کشاورز یکهو عصبانی و حسود شد. با خودش گفت این عادلانه نیست که همسایهاش دوتا گاو بگیره ولی خودش یکی.
He told the old man, “If you’re going to give him two, then I don’t want any.”
به پیرمرد گفت: “اگه قراره به اون دوتا بدی، من هیچی نمیخوام.”
The old man took the bull back and said, “Your problem isn’t that you don’t have money, it’s that you’re jealous. If you were happy with what you got, you wouldn’t be upset about what others have.”
پیرمرد گاو رو پس گرفت و گفت: “مشکل تو این نیست که پول نداری، مشکل اینه که حسودی. اگه از چیزی که داری خوشحال بودی، برای چیزایی که بقیه دارن ناراحت نمیشدی.”
“You could have been the happiest person if you weren’t jealous.”
تو میتونستی خوشحالترین آدم باشی اگه حسودی نمیکردی.
Then the old man walked away into the forest.
بعد پیرمرد رفت توی جنگل و از اونجا دور شد.
And the farmer was left alone. He realized his mistake and promised himself that he would never be jealous again and would always wish well for others.
و کشاورز تنها موند. فهمید که اشتباه کرده و به خودش قول داد دیگه هیچوقت حسودی نکنه و همیشه برای بقیه خیر بخواد.
This is the end of the story. I hope you have learned a valuable lesson from it.
اینم آخر داستان بود. امیدوارم یه درس ارزشمند ازش گرفته باشین.