put a smile on your face
!Put a smile on your face
لبخند بزن!
Once upon a time
روزی روزگاری
there was a person coming to a new village relocating,
یه نفری بود که به یه دهکدهی جدید اومده بود و میخواست اونجا زندگی کنه
and he was wondering if he would like it there.
و داشت فکر میکرد که آیا از اونجا خوشش میاد یا نه
So he went to a Zen master and asked,
برای همین رفت پیش یه استاد ذن و پرسید
“Do you think I will like it in this village?
“فکر میکنی از این دهکده خوشم بیاد؟
Are the people nice?” the master asked back.
استاد پرسید: “آدمای اینجا مهربونن؟
“How were the people in the town where you came from?”
استاد پرسید: “آدمای دهکدهای که ازش اومدی چطور بودن؟
“They were nasty and greedy. They were angry and lived for cheating and stealing,” said the newcomer.
اون تازهوارد گفت: “اونا بد و حریص بودن، عصبانی و با تقلب و دزدی زندگی میکردن
“Those are exactly the type of people we have in this village,” said the master.
استاد گفت: “دقیقاً همون نوع آدمایی که اینجا داریم
A day later, another newcomer to the village visited the master and asked the same question,
روز بعد، یه تازهوارد دیگه اومد به دهکده و همون سوال رو از استاد پرسید
to which the master asked, “How were the people in the town where you come from?”
استاد دوباره پرسید: “آدمای دهکدهای که ازش اومدی چطور بودن؟
“They were sweet and lived in harmony. They cared for one another and for the land. They respected each other and they were seekers of spirit,” he replied.
اون تازهوارد پاسخ داد: “اونا مهربون بودن و با هم در صلح زندگی میکردن. از هم مراقبت میکردن و به زمین احترام میذاشتن. و به دنبال روحیه بودن
“Well, those are exactly the type of people we have in this village,” said the master.
استاد گفت: “خب، اینجا هم دقیقاً همین نوع آدمها رو داریم
You see, in life, in your life, whatever you see in the world, the world will see in you.
ببین، تو زندگی، هر چیزی که در دنیا ببینی، دنیا هم همون رو در تو میبینه
See hope, see good, see love, and the world will see the same in you.
امید ببین، خوبی ببین، عشق ببین، و دنیا هم همون رو در تو میبینه
But if you only see the nasty and greedy part of people, that is what they will see in you.
اما اگه فقط بخش بد و حریص مردم رو ببینی، اونا هم همون رو در تو میبینن
So be good to the world and the world will be good to you. Give love to the world and the world will give love to you.
پس به دنیا خوبی کن و دنیا هم به تو خوبی میکنه. به دنیا عشق بده و دنیا هم به تو عشق میده