A rich man and his son
A rich man and his son
مرد ثروتمند و پسرش
Once in a city lived a very successful businessman.
یه روزی یه تاجر خیلی موفق تو یه شهری زندگی میکرد.
His only son who was still a young boy was lazy and fun-loving.
پسرش که تنها بچهاش بود و هنوز جوون بود، خیلی تنبل و عشق حال بود.
His son used to spend money with free hands and never even did any help in any work at home.
پسرش پولها رو راحت خرج میکرد و هیچوقت تو کارهای خونه کمکی نمیکرد.
Businessman wanted his son to learn about the value of labor.
تاجر میخواست پسرش ارزش کار کردن رو یاد بگیره.
So one day he called his son and said, “From today onward you will be given meals at night only if you will bring some earnings for that day.”
یه روز پسرش رو صدا کرد و گفت: “از امروز به بعد فقط اگه پول درآری، شب بهت غذا میدم.”
First boy was confused but when he saw his father’s serious face he knew how serious he was about what he said.
اولش پسر گیج شد، ولی وقتی چهره جدی پدرشو دید، فهمید قضیه خیلی جدیه.
Boy got scared and went to his mother.
پسر ترسید و رفت پیش مادرش.
Boy told everything about this to his mother.
پسر همه چیزو به مادرش گفت.
Mother didn’t want her boy to get troubled or skip his night meal.
مادرش نمیخواست پسرش اذیت بشه یا شب بدون غذا بمونه.
So that day she gave him a gold coin.
برای همین اون روز بهش یه سکه طلا داد.
At night on the dinner table when father asked son about his earning for the day, boy promptly presented him that gold coin.
شب سر میز شام وقتی پدر از پسر پرسید که امروز چی کار کرده، پسر سریع اون سکه طلا رو نشون داد.
Seeing that gold coin, father understood that he didn’t earn that money.
پدر وقتی سکه رو دید، فهمید که اون پول رو خودش درنیاورده.
He asked boy to throw that coin into the well in the courtyard.
به پسر گفت که اون سکه رو تو چاه حیاط بندازه.
Without any hesitation boy went out and threw that coin into the well and then had his meal.
پسر بدون معطلی رفت بیرون، سکه رو انداخت تو چاه و بعدش غذاشو خورد.
Next day early in the morning, father sent his wife out of town to her parents’ house.
روز بعد صبح زود، پدر مادر رو فرستاد به خونه پدریش تو یه شهر دیگه.
When boy woke up, father reminded boy about the condition for night meal and also told him about mother’s trip.
وقتی پسر بیدار شد، پدرش دوباره شرط غذا خوردن شب رو یادآوری کرد و گفت که مادرش رفته.
Knowing that mother is not there to give him money, he went to his grandfather.
وقتی فهمید مادرش نیست که بهش پول بده، رفت پیش پدربزرگش.
Grandfather gave him some coins.
پدربزرگ بهش چندتا سکه داد.
At night father asked him about money, boy gave him coins.
شب پدر دوباره ازش درباره پول پرسید و پسر سکهها رو نشون داد.
He again asked him to throw those coins into the well.
بازم ازش خواست اون سکهها رو تو چاه بندازه.
Without hesitating, boy threw those coins into the well and came back to dinner table for meal.
پسر دوباره بدون معطلی سکهها رو تو چاه انداخت و برگشت سر میز شام.
Father knew that there was no one else who could give him money.
پدر میدونست دیگه کسی نیست که بهش پول بده.
So before going to bed he went to grandfather and told him about the condition.
برای همین قبل از خواب رفت پیش پدربزرگ و شرط رو بهش گفت.
Grandfather understood and next day went out so that boy wouldn’t come to him for money.
پدربزرگ فهمید و روز بعد رفت بیرون که پسر نتونه ازش پول بگیره.
In the morning father again reminded him about the condition for meal.
صبح پدر دوباره شرط غذا خوردن شب رو یادآوری کرد.
Boy went looking for his grandfather but couldn’t find him.
پسر رفت دنبال پدربزرگش ولی پیداش نکرد.
This time since there was no one to help him, boy was forced to go to the market in search of work.
این بار چون کسی نبود که کمکش کنه، مجبور شد بره بازار دنبال کار بگرده.
After much time one shopkeeper agreed to give him some work.
بعد از کلی گشتن، یه مغازهدار قبول کرد بهش کار بده.
Shopkeeper told him that he would pay him 10 rupees if he carried his trunk for him to his home.
مغازهدار بهش گفت اگه صندوقش رو براش تا خونه ببره، بهش ۱۰ روپیه میده.
Boy couldn’t refuse and was drenched in sweat by the time he finished the job.
پسر نتونست رد کنه و تا کار تموم شد، حسابی خیس عرق شد.
His feet were trembling and his neck and back were aching.
پاهاش میلرزید و گردن و کمرش درد گرفته بود.
In the evening when he returned home, he went to his father and gave him those 10 rupees.
عصر وقتی برگشت خونه، رفت پیش پدرش و اون ۱۰ روپیه رو داد.
Even this time father asked him to throw it in the well.
حتی این بار هم پدرش ازش خواست پول رو تو چاه بندازه.
Boy could not imagine throwing his hard-earned money like this.
پسر اصلاً نمیتونست تصور کنه که این پولی که با زحمت درآورده رو همینطوری بندازه دور.
So boy refused to throw this money and almost cried.
برای همین قبول نکرد پول رو بندازه و تقریباً زد زیر گریه.
Son sobbingly said to his father, “Father, my entire body is aching, my back has rashes, and you are asking me to throw the money into the well!”
پسر با گریه به پدرش گفت: “بابا، کل بدنم درد میکنه، کمرم تاول زده، اونوقت تو ازم میخوای پول رو بندازم تو چاه؟!”
Father smiled and said, “One feels the pain only when the fruits of hard labor are wasted. Earlier you got coins without any hard work from your mother and grandfather, so you had no pain in throwing coins into the well.”
پدر لبخند زد و گفت: “آدم وقتی دردش میگیره که نتیجه زحمتش از بین بره. قبلاً سکهها رو بدون هیچ زحمتی از مادرت و پدربزرگت گرفتی، برای همین ناراحت نمیشدی اونا رو بندازی تو چاه.”
Son now realized the value of hard work and labor.
پسر حالا ارزش کار و زحمت رو فهمید.
He understood his mistake and thanked his father for the valuable lesson.
اشتباهش رو فهمید و از پدرش بابت این درس باارزش تشکر کرد.
Sometimes life’s best lessons come from the hardest situations.
گاهی بهترین درسهای زندگی از سختترین موقعیتها به دست میاد.