آموزشهای یک دقیقه ای
فصل دوازدهم
ویدئو شماره 10
Made of money = to be very rich
خیلی پولدار بودن
ویدئو شماره 9
Kick back: لگد زدن اسلحه
If you’re not careful, that rifle will bruise your shoulder when it kicks back.
Kick back = relax استراحت کردن
1) Your waitress will take your order while you kick back and enjoy the game.
2) Are you going to kick back this weekend.
ویدئو شماره 8
Cash cow: منبع پولساز
A product or service which makes a lot of money over along period of time
ویدئو شماره 7
Be all talk (and no action)
فقط حرف زدن/اهل عمل نبودن
It’s used to describe sb. Who talks about doing sth. But never does it.
ویدئو شماره 6
Bury the hatchet: آشتی کردن
To forget about arguments with someone and to become friends with them again.