The Fossil Hunters
کاشفان فسیل
Tim and Dean were great fossil hunters.
تام و دین کاشفین بزرگ فسیل بودند.
They were the very best at finding dinosaur bones.
آنها در یافتن استخوان دایناسورها جزو بهترین ها بودند.
Although Tim and Dean were quite similar, they were outright enemies.
اگرچه مهارت هردو آنها تقریبا در یک سطح بود، اما آشکارا با هم دشمنی می کردند.
The two men got into vicious arguments all the time.
آنها دایما با هم دیگر بحثهای خصمانه می کردند.
They couldn’t coexist peacefully because their egos were too large.
آنها نمی توانستند به شکلی مسالمت آمیز در کنار هم کار کنند زیرا منیّت آنها بسیار زیاد بود.
Tim thought he was the best fossil hunter, while Dean was sure that he was much better than Tim.
تیم فکر میکرد که بهترین کاشف فسیل است و دین نیز یقین داشت که از تیم خیلی بهتر است.
One day, Tim was searching for fossils on the periphery of the city when he discovered a huge bone.
یک روز در حالی که تیم حوالی شهر در حستجوی فسیل بود استخوان عظیم الجثه ای پیدا کرد.
He had never seen anything like it!
او تا آن موقع چیزی نظیر آن را ندیده بود.
He took his shovel and carefully excavated the dirt around it.
او بیل خود را برداشت و با دقت شروع به حفر کردن خاکهای اطراف استخوان کرد.
As he dug, he uncovered more jagged bones.
همانطور که زمین را حفر می کرد استخوانهای دندانه دار بیشتری پدیدار شدند.
He realized that he had found an entire dinosaur skeleton!
او متوجه شد که اسکلت کامل یک دایناسور را یافته است.
Tim couldn’t conceive a plan to remove the huge skeleton all by himself.
تیم هرچه فکر کرد راهی برای بیرون آوردن آن اسکلت عظیم الجثه به ذهنش نرسید.
Such an endeavor would be to arduous.
چنین کاری بسیار شاق و دشوار بود.
He needed help.
او به کمک نیاز داشت.
He tried to think of people who would be capable of helping him remove the skeleton without breaking it.
او سعی کرد به کسانی فکر کند که بتوانند به او کمک کنند تا بدون شکستن اسکلت آنرا بیرون بیاورند.
The only person Tim could think of was Dean, his enemy.
تنها کسی که به فکرش رسید دشمنش، دین بود.
Tim ran into the city to find Dean.
تام با عجله برای پیدا کردن او به شهر رفت.
Tim found him and said, “ Dean, I’ve found the skeletal remains of a huge terrestrial animal.
او دین را پیدا کرد و به او گفت “دین، بقایای اسکلت حیوانی غول پیکر را پیدا کرده ام.
But I can’t get the skeleton out by myself.
اما به تنهایی نمیتوانم آن را بیرون بیاورم.
Will you please help me?”
آیا به من کمک می کنی؟
Dean thought that Tim’s claim might be dubious.
دین با خودش فکر کرد که ادعای تیم مشکوک است.
He replied, “ If you’re serious about the skeleton, I’ll help.”
او پاسخ داد: ” اگر در مورد اسکلت جدی می گویی به تو کمک خواهم کرد.”
Tim excitedly showed Dean the skeleton’s locale.
تیم با هیجان محل اسکلت را به دین نشان داد.
They worked together to carefully remove each bone.
آنها با هم شروع به کار کردند و با دقت تک تک استخوانها را بیرون آوردند.
And to keep the bones together, they tied them with elastic strips.
و برای نگه داشتن استخوانها به هم آنها را با یک نوار پلاستیکی نازک بهم گره زدند.
When they were finished, they had attained a perfect skeleton.
آنها پس از اتمام کار به یک اسکلت کامل دست یافته بودند.
They used plaster to make a mold of the dinosaur’s skull.
آنها برای ساخت قالب جمجمه دایناسور از گچ استفاده کردند.
They engraved their initials into it and gave it to the curator of a local museum.
آنها حروف اول نامشان را داخل آن حک کردند و آن را به متصدی موزه محلی دادند.
Tim and Dean found out that they could work very well together.
تیم و دن متوجه شدند که می توانند بخوبی با هم کار کنند.
They decided to end their feud and become friends.
آنها تصمیم گرفتند به دشمنی خود پایان داده و با هم دوست باشند.
By combining their talents, the men became even greater than they were before.
آنها با ترکیب استعدادهایشان بیشتر از قبل معروف شدند.
The explorers began their arduous hike up the steep mountain | دشوار پر زحمت | arduous |
In two more years, I will attain my high school diploma | بدست آوردن،دست یافت | attain |
Our pets coexist at our home with little or no problems | با هم زیستن | coexist |
The child could not conceive the actual size of the Earth | تصور کردن | conceive |
The police thought that the man’s description of the crime was dubious | مشکوک | dubious |
Kelly’s ego made her think that she was some kind of a superhero | منیت – نَفس | ego |
He attached the elastic bungee to his legs before he jumped off the platform | قابل ارتجاع | elastic |
The company’s new advertising endeavor ended in a horrible failure | تلاش | endeavor |
The couple engraved their names onto the old pine tree | حک کردن | engrave |
The team wishes to excavate the site in hopes of finding fossils | حفر کردن، کاوش کردن | excavate |
The swimmer was hurt when he fell on the jagged rocks | ناهموار، دندانه دار | jagged |
The spa was the perfect locale for my mother to relax and enjoy her vacation | محل | locale |
Using a cupcake mold will ensure that they come out just right | قالب | mold |
Everyone knew that the boy’s story was an outright lie | آشکارا | outright |
A beautiful floral pattern is on the periphery of the stationery | حوالی (محدوده چیزی یا جایی) | periphery |
He used plaster to fill in the cracks in the old walls | گچ | plaster |
The boy grabbed his shovel and got all of the snow off of the sidewalk | بیل | shovel |
We studied the skeletal system in anatomy class | اسکلتی، استخوانی | skeletal |
There are billions of terrestrial life forms | زمینی | terrestrial |
The vicious dog tried to bite the small child | شرور | vicious |
Choose the answer that best fits the question
1. Which is likely to be jagged?
a. A doll
b. A cliff
c. A cloud
d. A pillow
2. Which is likely to be excavated?
a. Water
b. A sofa
c. A computer
d. The ground
3. What is part of the skeletal system?
a. The skin
b. The tongue
c. The skull
d. The fingernails
4. What is an example of an endeavor?
a. Waking up
b. Inventing a new machine
c. Making coffee
d. Combing your hair
Answer the questions.
1. Why couldn’t Tim and Dean coexist peacefully?
2. What did Tim use his shovel to do?
3. What was Tim doing on the periphery of the city?
4. What did the fossil hunters do to the plaster mold before they gave it to the curator?
5. What did Dean say before he went to the locale of the terrestrial animal’s skeletal remains?
۱_ b
۲ _ d
۳ _ c
۴_ b
۱ _ .Because their egos were too large
۲_ . He took his shovel and carefully excavated the dirt around it
۳ _ .One day, Tim was searching for fossils on the periphery of the city when he discovered a huge bone
۴_ . They used plaster to make a mold of the dinosaur’s skull
۵_ .” He replied, “ If you’re serious about the skeleton, I’ll help